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【Yunnan Surroundings】Yunnan offers trios of business opportunities at 6th CIIE

2023-11-13 21:10:14        来源: By Gateway


A poster of the 6th CIIE

The sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) opened in east China’s Shanghai on 5 November, and the Yunnan provincial business delegation held a promotion meeting on industrial relocation and port-economic cooperation.

Themed "embracing the global cooperation and creating a new height for border regions opening-up", the promotion was attended by Yunnan governor Wang Yubo. “Yunnan is speeding up building itself into the Chinese pivot of opening-up to south and southeast Asia, and with the port economy in full swing, the province has grown to be a major recipient for gradient industrial transfer,” said the governor.


Projects are signed at the Yunnan meeting.

The Yunnan trade delegation to the CIIE involves 2,323 exhibitors and more than 5,600 staff members, carrying out international procurement, promoting investment cooperation and showcasing provincial openness to the world.

At the meeting, 22 investment projects and 13 import procurement projects were signed.


The promotion by Yunnan trade delegation

Trio of fields for industrial transfer, development

A the 6th CIIE, representatives of Yunnan entrepreneurs and their international peers from Italy, the US and others exchanged ideas, with the topics focusing on industrial transfer and development cooperation in the three fields of renewable energy, green food, and bio-medicine.

1. New energy


A new-energy project site in Yunnan

Over the years, Yunnan province has implemented 102 new energy projects for international cooperation, cooperating with BRI countries in 21 joint laboratories and setting up 13 international sci-tech cooperation bases for regional coordinated development in renewable energy.

The output value of Yunnan's new energy battery industry alone reached 31.9 billion yuan in 2022, an increase of 406.5% year on year. In the first half of this year, the output value reached 16.277 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 111.5%.

2. Green food


A farmer harvests apples in northeast Yunnan's Zhaotong city.

Yunnan is a most important green-food producer in China. The province has 4,580 certified organic products and 2,547 certified green-food products, ranking first and seventh respectively in China.

The value of the industrial chains of Yunnan teas, flowers, vegetables, fruits, medicinal herbs, cattle, sheep and pigs has exceeded 120 billion yuan, and the business opportunities in Yunnan green-food industries are infinite.

3. Biomedicine


A biomedical maker in Yunnan

Yunnan has long been hailed as a "bank of medicine" and China's gene pool, as it is particularly abundant in biological resources, encompassing plant-based and ethnic medicines.

Over recent years, Yunnan's biomedical industry has been transformed into a key and strategically significant field which creates over 100 billion yuan of output value annually under the strong support of national policies.

Trio of ports for regional economic cooperation

Yunnan is connected to Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar by mountains and rivers, the China-Laos railway directly reaches the Indochina peninsula, and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor links up South Asian countries. It is an ideal place for Chinese coastal companies to transfer production capacity, invest, and set up businesses.

1. Mohan port


The designated inspection site for imported fruits at Mohan Railway Port

As an important hub on the Golden Line of the China-Laos Railway, the Mohan Railway Port that opened less than two years ago is emerging as a golden dry port connecting China and Southeast Asian countries.

As of 23 October this year, Kunming Customs has inspected a total of 5.64 million tonnes of goods entering or leaving Mohan, with the value adding up to 24.5 billion yuan. Every day, 7 or 8 pairs of international freight trains run through the port.

2. Hekou port


Cross-border tourists have customs clearance at the Hekou border gate.

Since the resumption of passenger customs clearance, Hekou Port near the Yunnan-Vietnam border has been busy every day. Border police at the inspection station check vehicles, handle documents and help in facial recognition, and it takes only 1 minute 28 seconds for a vehicle to be smoothly cleared.

Hekou port pays close attention to smart services, optimizes the management and opens 13 convenient channels for travelers. By creating a green channel for fresh agro-produces and by-products, Hekou reduced the time for cargo clearance by more than 60% compared with three years ago.

3. Ruili port


A motorbike factory near Ruili port

The Yunnan-Myanmar border city of Ruili is vigorously developing port economy, building up the Wanding, Mangling, Jiegao and other areas for economic development. The focuses are imported goods processing, equipment manufacturing, communications and electronics, textile and garment making.

With the development of bonded services, cross-border businesses, modern logistics and others, Ruili Port is playing a more important role in economic development of the Yunnan-Myanmar border areas and construction of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor.