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【Yunnan Surroundings】10 years on: CSA Expo links Yunnan to world for win-win results

2023-08-15 22:45:39        来源: 澜湄趴

10 years on:CSA Expo links Yunnan to the world for win-win results

The 7th China-South Asia Exposition (CSA Expo), also the 7th China Kunming Import & Export Fair, will be unveiled tomorrow, drawing worldwide attention to central Yunnan’s Kunming city.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-South Asia Expo. Over the past decade, the CSA Expo has grown to be a comprehensive platform for multilateral diplomacy, economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and south-southeast Asia and even between China and other countries in the world.


Cooperation yields fruitful results

Since its inception in 2013, the CSA Expo has witnessed increasing cooperation between China and south-southeast Asian countries, with the broadest possible consensus reached on how to run the expo well, how to make good use of it, and how to work together for common development.


Driven by the expo, the total trade volume between Yunnan and South Asian countries has increased by 2.5 times in the past 10 years, and the digital economy has stood out as a brand-new trading format in the region. The GMS Economic Corridor Governors Forum and the China-South Asia Business Forum have grown to be well-known events for regional economic cooperation.


Economic cooperation has gone hand in hand with cultural exchanges in the region. During the past six sessions of the CSA Expo, the Lancang-Mekong Audiovisual Week, the China-South and Southeast Asia Art Week and other events have enhanced the people-to-people exchange in the regions, while the Forum on China-South Asia Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation has invited in talented South Asian youth to Yunnan as business start-ups.


"Laos, as the guest of honor, fully displayed its folk customs and special produces at the 6th CSA Expo, while sharing the business opportunities in tourism and other Lao sectors," said Manila Sombandith, consul general of Laos in Kunming. The Lao official added the CSA Expo has been conducive to the Laos-China friendship and the Laos-China community with a shared future.


Zhao Nengsheng, a Thai businessman, saw the Chinese demand for Southeast Asian food at the CSA Expo and seized the business opportunities in China-ASEAN trade. Myanmar girl Ma Aye Shwe used to be an interpreter at the CSA Expo, where she was impressed by the momentum in Myanmar-China cooperation. Now Ma Aye Shwe has more confidence in working for Myanmar-China friendship.


Innovation brings about surprises

With the theme of “solidarity and cooperation for common development”, the upcoming 7th CSA Expo is jointly hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of Yunnan Province. Lasting from August 16 to 20, the expo is one of the major events for economic cooperation and cultural exchanges between China and South Asian countries.


More than 60 countries and regions have signed up for the events and exhibitions at the expo this year, including all the countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia, as well as all members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).


With a sense of innovation, 15 pavilions will be set up at the 7th CSA Expo, including 3 pavilions for South Asia, Southeast Asia and other overseas areas, as well as 9 special pavilions for port economy, industrial parks, digital economy, advanced manufacturing, expo opening, regional cooperation, cultural tourism, and modern agriculture.


The digital platform of the CSA expo will provide the exhibitors with Apps for exhibition, trade, business negotiation, and service. The exhibitors can create 2D and 3D exhibition stands in the Apps to explain their brands and products to customers all over the world. Online visitors can learn more about the Yunnan products like tea, coffee, fruits, and flowers virtually.


“The annual trade volume between China and South Asian countries came in at under 100 billion U.S. dollars a decade ago, but the figure neared 200 billion dollars last year, representing an average annual increase of 8.3 percent,” said Li Fei, vice minister of commerce, at a recent press conference. China has become the largest trading partner of countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Maldives.
