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【Yunnan Surroundings】New trade corridor: ASEAN fruits enter China in bulk via Mohan

2023-07-18 09:25:41        来源: Yunnan Daily

As of June 30, the Mohan Port officers near the China-Laos border section in south Yunnan have seen off 138 dedicated trains that transported some 49,600 tons of fruits from Laos, Thailand and other ASEAN countries into China via the China-Laos railway.


The designated inspection site for imported fruits at Mohan Railway Port

According to a customs officer at the Mohan dry port, the transportation efficiency for cross-border fruits has been improved since the designated inspection site for imported fruits at Mohan Railway Port was put into use in December 2022.

"We joined hands with the railway and border-inspection departments in opening green channels and offering one-on-one services, and by having the fruits cleared upon arrival, we improved our efficiency in customs services."


Cross-border traders have e-declaration at the designated inspection site.

The Mengla Customs officer at the port was talking about their daily work to reporters with the Yunnan province and Chonqing municipality international communication centers, who kicked off their series of media tours to Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries on July 14.

Yunnan is the Chinese gateway to South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean region, and the communicators will focus on the provincial practices in building Yunnan into a new international trade corridor that links west China to countries along the Indian Ocean rim.


A Mengla Customs officer is interviewed by Yunnan and Chonqing reporters.